
Motherless Children - Rosanne Cash


实力派的乡村歌手Rosanne Cash的父亲是美国乡村音乐的传奇人物Johnny Cash,纵横乐坛50多年,不但创作才华横溢,演唱实力超群。在父亲的熏陶下,Rosanne Cash也逐渐成长为一代乡村创作歌手。她曾获得格莱美奖最佳乡村女歌手奖,这次第57届格莱美获奖名单也有她。推荐一首她曾经的经典歌曲《Motherless Children》。

《Motherless Children》是一首悲情歌曲,歌中演绎的是失去母亲的孩子很难,无依靠那样的感伤。Rosanne Cash弹奏的吉他,顺畅自然,旋转的音符有种力度似乎拨动心弦。嗓音清透有力,爽朗的声线,晕染着岁月的流逝,歌声重复不绝于耳,喜欢她的嗓音,尽显实力的风范,仿佛深刻在内心,听后也为之动容。


《Motherless Children》歌词: 

 Motherless children have a hard time
When the mother is gone
Motherless children have a hard time
When the mother is gone
Motherless children have a hard time
There's all that weeping and all that crying
Motherless children have a hard time
When the mother is gone
Father will do the best he can
When the mother is gone
Father will do the best he can
When the mother is gone
Father will do the best he can
But there are so many things he just don't understand
Motherless children have a hard time
When the mother is gone

People say a sister will do
When the mother is gone
People say a sister will do
When the mother is gone
People say a sister will do
But she'll get married turn her back on you
Motherless children have a hard time
When the mother is gone
Friends will treat you like your mother will
When your mother is gone
Friends will treat you like your mother will
When your mother is gone
Friends will tell you what to do
Then they'll turn their back on you
Motherless children have a hard time
When the mother is gone

